I’m sitting here at the Denver International Airport, heading to Seattle for what begins the Geist Interactive West Coast tour of FileMaker user groups. I’m thinking of innovation, specifically innovative power tools and techniques that we have access to as FileMaker developers. Already an innovation platform, FileMaker continually expands, opening the door to more. I can’t wait to talk about the FileMaker power tools in which I’ve invested my time.
Workplace Innovation Power Tools
Todd Geist and I (Jeremy Brown) are traveling north to south along the coast to talk Innovation power tools and frameworks and techniques:
WorkPlace Innovation Platforms, like FileMaker grow along with you. The more you learn the more powerful they become, allowing you to build more and more powerful systems. Eventually you may find yourself with a custom application that provides significant value to your company or organization. Maybe you didn’t start out wanting to be a professional application developer, but if your application has value, guess what? You are a Professional.
Todd Geist and Jeremy Brown of Geist Interactive are coming to Seattle to talk about Professional Development tools, practices and techniques. Todd will demo Geist Interactive’s latest pro tool, Otto. Otto provides fully automated File and Data migration. He’ll show how easy it is to migrate a complex solution from Development to production environments. Jeremy will review the current state of JavaScript in our FileMaker development and lead us in a workshop to implement a JavaScript library quickly in a custom app.
Sounds exciting, huh?
It really is exciting. As FileMaker developers we have access to power tools within the Workplace Innovation Platform. We can build frameworks, and use those frameworks our custom apps. And we can utilize new techniques to keep our custom apps modern and connected to the world.
I’m excited to share about JavaScript, which, as you know, I enjoy playing with and promoting. By the end of our discussion, you’ll be hooked on JavaScript and look for ways to innovate with it in your custom apps.
The Stops
We will make a tour of the West Coast user groups starting north.
- 10.09.2018 – FileMaker Seattle
- 10.10.2018 – FileMaker Portland
- 10.11.2018 – DIG FM, Santa Clara, CA
- 10.12.2018 – FM DISC, Los Angeles, CA
- 10.22.2018 – San Diego FileMaker User Group
If you’re on the West Coast and within traveling distance of these user groups, and if you want a review of Workplace Innovation power tools, frameworks, and techniques, then please join us for one of these. Feel free to join us at all of the meetings. We’ll take the train from Seattle to Portland, and then fly the other legs. Come on. Join us for a great week of the awesome Workplace Innovation Platform called FileMaker and some Power Tools, Techniques, and Frameworks.
Download these links for access to the demo files we’ll show tonight: