In years past many of you FileMaker people have supported our non-profit learning center, One Spark Academy, with an end of the year tax-deductible donation. We are very grateful. This year, due to some terrible tragedies, we need your help more than ever.
Our community of Thousand Oaks was hit hard by two catastrophes in a single day. Families were devastated, lives were lost, and homes destroyed. The community has rallied to do what we can. It has been both deeply sad and wonderful to see our community pull together. People have opened their homes, their wallets and given freely of their time to try to help.

Memorial for Thousand Oaks, Ca shooting victims.
It has also directly affected One Spark. Luckily, no one in our community lost loved ones or had their house burn down. But the school was used as a command post during the shooting and evacuation center during the fire. It was closed for more than a week. Two of our students’ families were forced to move away because of the devastation in their neighborhoods. Just when kids needed us more than ever we had to keep our doors closed.
We are also finding it very hard to ask for money. How can we ask our community to give more at a time like this? Yet we rely on this fundraiser every year to close the gap between what we charge for the school and what it costs to run it. We still need the money! We have to find it somewhere!
So I am asking our global FileMaker community for help. If you have been following our school since its founding 8 years ago, if you just appreciate what we do, or if you want to help our community recover from devastation, please help. Our kids really need it.
Please visit our campaign page to make your donation.
Thank you!
Todd Geist
CEO Geist Interactive
President Of the Board, One Spark Academy.