FileMaker DevCon 2019 is fast approaching. There’s less than three months left, and we at Geist Interactive are busy, getting ready for the conference. Todd Geist and myself–Jeremy Brown–will attend (this will be our 20th and 8th time respectively) and spread the good word about JavaScript and the Workplace Innovation platform. We will be busy during the week, but will always make time for chatting about FileMaker or JavaScript or any other tech topic. Read on to see what we will be up to in Orlando, FL.
Conference Sponsor
Geist Interactive is proud to be a sponsor of this year’s FileMaker DevCon. We believe the three-day conference is great for every innovator out there. FileMaker DevCon 2019 will be full of great people, great innovations, and great food. We want to give back in the form of sponsorship so that all developers can learn as much as possible and make great connections.
Training Day
For the second year in a row, I will lead folks in a training session titled “JavaScript for FileMaker Developers“. This full-day session (upgraded from a half-day last year) will focus on how to use JS in our FileMaker apps. Attendees will spend time working on exercises in the JavaScript language. Each person will build a complete integration of a data table or a chart into a custom app. And everyone will learn how to work with the FileMaker Web Viewer object (which can be a bit prickly in some situations). Finally, we will focus on advanced topics like how to communicate to the JavaScript from FileMaker without causing a rude flash of the web viewer.

Our playground for the day.
I am dusting off my teaching skills and pulling out my manipulatives so that everyone–from the JavaScript beginner to the more advanced person–can learn something and walk away with a good set of next steps. Every FileMaker developer can (and should) use JavaScript as another tool in their apps. Join me in this session and learn how to use this powerful tool.
WorkPlace Innovation
Todd Geist is extemely a little obsessed with Workplace Innovation and FileMaker. He’s written about the beginning and the continuation of innovation with each incremental release of the platform. So at FileMaker DevCon 2019, Todd gets to speak about what he sees in the current status and the future trajectory of the Workplace Innovation Platform. Here is a description of his sessions:
Why a Workplace Innovation Platform?
What’s so special about a Workplace Innovation Platform? You’ve seen the videos, you’ve read all the marketing material, but practically speaking what is that makes a Workplace Innovation Platform standout from other options? We are going to look at the current state of business and work group innovation, and learn through a series of examples and mini case studies why FileMaker, as the leading Workplace Innovation Platform, can be so effective in driving business innovation.
What’s Next in Workplace Innovation?
Workplace Innovation doesn’t stop. Neither does the flow of exciting new technology that the FileMaker Workplace Innovation Platform makes available to us. In this session, we are going to look at some of my favorite bleeding-edge techniques, tools, and integrations that really make the FileMaker Workplace Innovation Platform shine. Come and see what the future looks like. There will even be some fun demos you can download and try on your own.
These two sessions are going to be lively and challenging and full, so you may want to show up early to get a spot.

Hanging at the Booth
Todd and I along with Tonya (another member of the team) will spend their time at our annual booth in the exhibit hall (though we do wish it were located down by the pool). We always welcome folks to come and stop by and talk anything you want. We’ll demo our products (FMPerception, Otto, WidgetStudio, GoDraw3, and many others) and our custom development offerings. So stop by for a spell and chat us up. Bonus points if you come ready to talk about, A. JavaScript; B. JSON; C. FileMaker Modules; D. Innovation in FileMaker.
Vendor sessions

At FileMaker DevCon 2019 we will feature FMPerception and Otto in two separate vendor sessions. Dave Ramsey will demonstrate the value added to your development using the only Realtime Developer Intelligence tool. He’ll open your eyes to the major features as well as the intricate details that really makes it more intelligent.
Todd will demonstrate what the best Dev Ops tool “Otto” do for you. He’ll walk you through how Otto can help automate the tedious and error-prone process of deploying, migrating, and monitoring solutions.
Check out the schedule as we get closer to DevCon. Stay tuned to us on social media for updates as well.
Packing our Bags (soon)
We’re getting ready for FileMaker DevCon 2019. We’re excited about all the innovations that will be on display and shared throughout the week, and we can’t wait to share a few of our own.
If you’ve never attended, check out my blog post on attending the conference for the first time from last year. Eventually he will post a new one with an updated theme 🙂
See yah in just a few months!