There’s a lot to talk about in the FileMaker world. And coming soon, the list of topics will explode as we welcome Claris Connect into the fold. Luckily there’s another avenue to discuss all things related to FileMaker: The Context Podcast.
We at Geist Interactive are excited to launch a weekly podcast in which we talk about all things FileMaker and the context of those things in FileMaker. We will discuss the context in which we use certain techniques or functions such as While(), Virtual Lists, ExecuteSQL, and others. Topics will also include bigger discussions about workplace innovation through the technology we have at our fingertips.
Jeremy (sometimes Jeremy and Todd) will talk with folks to get their take on the context of technology in the innovative workplace. We will ask people their thoughts on the context of problems we’re trying to solve and which techniques are good for a particular context. We might have agreements all around, but we also hope for some spirited debate and discussion.
Context is more than just the right layout in FileMaker. It’s meant to expand out to cover anything that the workplace innovation platform is designed to solve. And we will spend each episode trying to flesh out exactly what the context is and those best practices that fit the context.
Join us each week for a new episode. We’ve got some great guests lined up and some great topics ready to be given a complete review.
Check us out here. And we’re coming soon to all the major podcast-getting apps/sites. Stay tuned for more info on where The Context Podcast is available.