As your school or organization works to adjust to the new COVID-19 landscape, no doubt there are lots of questions and uncertainty. We just want you to know that one thing you don’t have to worry about is support for your Proof systems. We have always been a virtual office company. We have experience being a productive remote team. We know the tools, the tricks, and the challenges. We’re here for you like we’ve always been.
Get in touch with us at if you need help with the transition from on-site to remote, have questions about Proof systems, or just need to bounce general tech or data ideas off someone. We are here for you. And in that spirit, we have set up a hub for the greater education technology community called edTechCRT.

This is a community-driven virtual hub for anyone involved in education at any level or capacity to share information and get support from each other in the face of the current COVID-19 emergency. Join us there and add your voice, experience, and expertise. edTechCRT is free, non-commercial and open to everyone. Learn more here: