At Proof+Geist, we believe that time together should be meaningful. That’s why we’re already getting excited about one of the best opportunities to connect, learn, and grow in the coming year: Claris Engage 2025!

Claris Engage isn’t just another conference. It’s where business owners, developers, and stakeholders come together to explore the latest in technology, discover new solutions to business challenges, and build relationships that last long after the event ends. Here’s why we think Claris Engage 2025 is worth attending:

Mike, Martha, Ernest, and Krissy marveling at the board in Claris Engage 2024
Mike, Martha, Ernest, and Krissy at Claris Engage 2024 all marveling at a Vestaboard.

The best opportunity to network

Claris Engage offers a space to meet like-minded professionals. It’s a place where contractors, consultants, development shops, in-house developers, and so may others have the opportunity to speak the same language. Last year, Proof+Geist gave everyone superhero cards—superpowers added on the back—to help make this a little bit more conversational. We also co-hosted a Community Party, which was well-attended!

It’s not just about expanding your contact list; it’s about finding people who share your commitment to using technology as a force for good in business. The conversations you’ll have, the connections you’ll make—these are the foundations of successful partnerships.

Expert-led sessions for all levels

Claris Engage brings together some of the brightest minds in the industry to lead sessions tailored for all experience levels. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned expert, there’s something here for everyone. It’s a chance to learn from the best, apply new knowledge, and ultimately, empower yourself and your team to do good work together.

Discover the tools and products that Matter

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, staying up to date with the latest tools and products is crucial. At Claris Engage, you’ll get an insider’s look at the cutting-edge solutions that are shaping the future of business. This is where you’ll learn about the tools that can enhance your effectiveness, not just your efficiency, and help you address the real challenges you face in your business.

We’ll be there talking about Ottomatic and OttoFMS! We offer a free Cloud Console that allows you to manage your servers, both hosted and on prem, as well as extend their capabilities with paid services like external authentication and S3 storage. OttoFMS is a free tool that allows you to automate data migrations, use webhooks, create custom logs, and more. Both are tools meant to empower developers, allowing them to focus on building and creating solutions, not intensive, weekend migrations.

Go deep with hands-on training

One of the highlights of Claris Engage is Training Day—a dedicated time to dive deep and get hands-on with the tools and technologies that matter most. It’s an opportunity to roll up your sleeves, embrace the muddiness of learning something new, and come out on the other side with practical skills you can apply immediately. Because when you get to use your strengths in a way that’s effective, everyone wins.

Last year, we led Training Day sessions about FileMaker Server, integrations, and intermediate techniques on layouts, user experience, calculations, data modeling, and scripting.

Tacos, kolaches, and tex-mex: OH MY.

Finally, Claris Engage 2025 is taking place in Austin, Texas. Beyond the incredible sessions and networking opportunities, Austin offers a vibrant cultural experience that’s hard to beat. Whether you’re a fan of tacos, kolaches, or Tex-Mex, the city’s culinary delights are sure to make your stay even more enjoyable.

Claris Engage 2024 attendees working on a puzzle together at the PauseOnError booth.

Reflecting on Claris Engage 2024

Looking back at Claris Engage 2024, we were proud premier sponsors and also led several sessions that exemplify our commitment to empowering others through knowledge and collaboration. Some of our sessions included:

Advanced modern Claris FileMaker transactions with Barbara Cooney & Alo Torres-Navarro

UncURLed: Pain-free detangling of APIs and OAuth integration by Brian Ouimette

Half-baked: Delivering unfinished code to production with feature flags by Eric Luce

AI foundations for Claris FileMaker developers by Ernest Koe

Speed, stability, and benchmarking by Heather Williams & Dirk Reynolds

TileMaker™ Pro: Physical tools for digital productivity by Peter Vinogradov

These sessions were designed with the same values we bring to every project: embracing curiosity, supporting our team and clients, and prioritizing effective solutions that work in the real world.

Some other highlights included winning an Excellence award for Innovation, showing off a Vestaboard, creating superhero cards for attendees, giving out TileMaker Pro to improve productivity, and including Llama the Alpaca on our booth!

Barbara and Martha posing with Llama the Alpaca

Joins us in Austin in March 2025

Claris Engage 2025 is a gathering of people who are dedicated to making the business world a better place through technology. We hope to see you there: ready to learn, connect, and make the most of our time together.

Save the date for Claris Engage 2025—we can’t wait to see you there!