Communicating Dates and Deadlines

Communicating Dates and Deadlines

Written By: Krissy Ferris is the Chief of Staff at Proof+Geist and Co-CEO of PauseOnError. John Sindelar is the CEO of SeedCode, the team behind DayBack Calendar. When Will This Be Done? We are always asked, “When will this be done?”. Sometimes by customers, sometimes...

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Transactions in FileMaker 19.6: Part 1

Transactions in FileMaker 19.6: Part 1

What Are Transactions? We each conduct transactions every day. We transact when we talk with other people, when we buy goods from a store, and when we check out a book from the library. In the database world, transactions have a similar meaning - exchanging this for...

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The Pause that Refreshes

The Pause that Refreshes

“My home office has a full refrigerator, no commute, and a loving dog, yet this place has all of you.” — Pause 2022 attendee A few weeks ago, I spent time in the North Georgia mountains with over a hundred daring developers and intrepid techies at the tenth annual...

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Recap of Claris Webinar: More than Just FileMaker

Recap of Claris Webinar: More than Just FileMaker

In today’s webinar, Claris focused on business leaders. Brad Freitag, Claris CEO, removed his Claris hat and played the role of just a CEO. Collectively, the Claris team focused on decision-makers, the Claris Community, and changes in the Claris platform....

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AutoEnter Live Recap

AutoEnter Live Recap

It's hard to believe it's been a few weeks since AutoEnter concluded.  Once More—- We would like to thank everyone who presented, who participated, and who lurked in our chats throughout this rollercoaster of an event. AutoEnter Live was a great way to get our...

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