FileMaker JSON Charting is very possible since JSON is a great source of data. Here we take a look at how these two great tools are combined.
Gathering Data for FileMaker Charting, Part 2
We’re continuing our discussion of FileMaker Charting by discussing how to collect data using the Related Records and Current Record data sources.
Gathering Data for FileMaker Charting, Part 1
The FileMaker Charting object can be mastered by understanding its data sources.We will look at the three sources and how to collect data for it.
Like a Boss: FileMaker JSON Parsing with Generator
FileMaker 16’s game-changing JSON functions give us native ability to parse a JSON object. Our free tool, Generator, makes that even easier. Follow along in this post or in the video and see how Generator will do 80% of the work for you!
Native FileMaker: More than Meets the Eye
Native FileMaker consists of so much more than scripts and fields and tables. We can leverage the entire platform and use all of native FileMaker.
San Diego User Group: March Meeting
The San Diego User Group meeting is scheduled and full of great topics. We’ll look at Geist Interactive’s Generator and Testable FileMaker Solutions
Geist Interactive at FileMaker DevCon 2018
Geist Interactive is proud to be a Diamond Level sponsor at FileMaker DevCon 2018. The whole team will be there sharing our love of the platform.
Like a Boss: Let us Discuss the FileMaker Let Function
The FileMaker Let function is your tool to make a calculation readable, well formatted and easy to debug. Let us discuss how it can be used.
Like a Boss: Exploring all of the FileMaker Data Viewer
The FileMaker Data Viewer is an essential tool for reviewing current scripts or data in a record or the file in general. It is a must for every developer. In this post we will look at all you can do with the tool.
Like a Boss: Using the Script Debugger to its Full Potential
The FileMaker Script Debugger is powerful. Its features are often overlooked. In this post we examine the buttons that control stepping through a script.
Learn FileMaker Like a Boss
In this new series “Learn FileMaker Like a BOSS!” we explore techniques and concepts and tools that will help developers become better at what they do. It is our goal to remind people of all that is out there and to bring those new to FileMaker up into more advanced development faster.
Introducing DamageDetectoR
DamageDetectoR is a free macOS-only tool that identifies the issues that can cause an XML DDR to fail to import into FMPerception or other analysis tool. It identifies specific issues and the location of each issue in your FileMaker file.
San Diego FileMaker User Group February 2018 Meeting
This month’s user group will feature three Geist Interactive employees. Jeremy Brown will share his love of the web viewer. Barbara Cooney will share about the Women of FileMaker fundraiser. Dave Graham will share a modular data picker. Come and join us: 5:30 on February 12th.