Add-Ons, the Complete (and almost TMI) Guide

Add-Ons, the Complete (and almost TMI) Guide

The most recent update of Claris FileMaker (19.1.2) includes add-ons. Finally. A calendar, a timer, a kanban board, and much more are part of the actual FileMaker product, built as add-ons. These add-ons are designed to be fully functional with just a little bit of...

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Proof Joins Claris Partner Council

Proof Joins Claris Partner Council

Proof is excited to announce that Ernest Koe, Co-Founder and CEO, has joined the Claris Partner Council! The Claris Partner Council is a collaborative effort between the Claris Executive Team and selected Claris Partners from the Claris FileMaker community. Meeting...

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JavaScript in FileMaker: The Learning Path to Take

JavaScript in FileMaker: The Learning Path to Take

With Claris FileMaker 19, there's a new world of power opened for us in using web viewer widgets inside our applications. We can create and use calendars, tables, lists, date pickers, charts, data trees, data maps, and thousands of other widgets. With Claris FileMaker...

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Geist Interactive Celebrates Claris Engage 2020

Geist Interactive Celebrates Claris Engage 2020

On this very afternoon, the day before Claris Engage 2020, we pause to contemplate all that's going to happen in the next few days. While we will miss seeing old friends or meeting new friends in the hotel lobby, at the fireplace, or sipping on a cocktail at the hotel...

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Geist Interactive @ Claris Engage 2020

Geist Interactive @ Claris Engage 2020

We at Geist Interactive are thrilled to be a part of the first ever Claris Engage, in this year 2020. Though this first event is a virtual one, we will be part of the the event in the 1's and 0's that make up cyberspace. There's a lot going on, so let's take a moment...

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Otto – Your Secret Business Weapon

Otto – Your Secret Business Weapon

Money For every business, it all comes down to money. The successful ones know where the money is spent and the benefits those investments provide. Expenditures must be justified with tangible benefits for the company. Period. That is, if the company is to continue....

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The Context Podcast: Primary Keys in FileMaker

The Context Podcast: Primary Keys in FileMaker

Todd and I talk about FileMaker Primary Keys today in the Context Podcast. Here's the episode. Listen to it here. And here are the highlights. Well-Discussed Topic The topic of FileMaker primary keys gets talked about a lot in the community, and indeed I asked about...

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FileMaker 19: Shortcuts & NFC

FileMaker 19: Shortcuts & NFC

This post is a summary of an episode of The Context Podcast, episode 40, release date 6/16/2020. In this episode, Cris Ippolite joins us to talk about Shortcuts and NFC. Those two features are the stated topic, but, of course, we touch on a lot of other things. So...

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FileMaker 19: FileMaker Add-Ons with Relationships

FileMaker 19: FileMaker Add-Ons with Relationships

In part 1 of All That We Know on Add-ons, explaining all that we know about this new feature, we talked about how to create add-ons that lend themselves to UI widgets. Calendars, check box button bars, notification popovers, date pickers, timers, etc. all can be...

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